Hold reference of Service handler

You can go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Auto Import -> Java and make the following changes: change Insert imports on paste value to All mark Add unambigious imports on the fly option as checked

First change permission for sudoers file of the system chmod 666 /etc/sudoers Open sudoers file by chmod 666 /etc/sudoers Then look for root ALL=(ALL) ALL Add your user name to the list by inserting youruser ALL=(ALL) ALL to the file, save and close the file Change permission of sudoers file back to ready only chmod […]

To make it permanent for your user on the server, you would add it to /home/user/.bashrc file. The .bashrc file is sourced when you login, so the parameters will become active when you login. Add the following lines to your .bashrc file. PATH={$PATH}:/{your_app_path} Now when you login, you can simply type foo.sh at your liesure […]

If you dual boot your Windows PC with OS X or Linux, you may have experienced a problem in which your clocks reset themselves incorrectly every time you boot into Windows. Here’s a simple registry edit to fix that. Essentially, the incorrect clock setting happens because OS X and Linux use GMT time while Windows […]

When you execute command generator php artisan generate:controller EventController and this error comes out [InvalidArgumentException] There are no commands defined in the “generate” namespace. Here is the solution: The generate command is from the JeffreyWay/Laravel-4-Generators package, to install it you have to execute composer require way/generators 2.* And then add this line to your app/config/app.php […]

The reason for this error is about updating setting for app/config/mail.php in order to suite SMTP information in your Mail::send() implementation. Change the mail settings according to the following: ‘host’ => ‘smtp.gmail.com’, ‘port’ => 465, ‘encryption’ => ‘ssl’, ‘username’ => ‘your_username’, ‘password’ => ‘your_password’, Then your code should be as simple as: public function email() […]

Windows Ctrl + Alt + Up Column selection up Ctrl + Alt + Down Column selection down Linux Alt + ⇧ + Up Column selection up Alt + ⇧ + Down Column selection down Navigation/Goto Anywhere Ctrl + P Quick-open files by name Ctrl + R Goto symbol Ctrl + ; Goto word in current […]

Suppose you a domain, http://domain.com. Here’s an example of the structure you might be using: domain.com/ (the root of your web hosting) –>yourlaravel4_base/ –>[some other folders…] –>public_html/ (where your html files and such go) –>[some other folders…] –>yourlaravel4/ /public_html/ is the root of the publicly accesible part of your web hosting files. You wanna make […]

In order to change default keymap to Eclipse keymap, select Preferences > Key Bindings – User. This will automatically open keymap setting file for you. Then paste the content of the following file to opened file:

Full and great cheat-sheet site for Laravel: click here , in case you lost your internet connection, here is PDF copy php artisan key:generate : generate encryption key for application php artisan migrate:install : Create the migration repository php artisan migrate:make name : Create a new migration file php artisan generate:migration –fields=”name:string, description:text, started_at:timestamp, ended_at:timestamp” […]